Sun exposure, genetics and underlying skin disorders can all contributed to various pigmented growths or areas of patchy pigmentation. Many varieties of unwanted pigmentation can be addressed successfully with laser treatments by targeting the melanin in the skin which creates the visible brown discoloration. When specific light wavelengths absorb selectively into melanin it is destroyed and the body clears away the fragmented pigment particles over 2-6 weeks.

A series of treatments is often needed (on average 3-4) to achieve optimal clearance for most patients and at times we will combine different laser wavelengths or technologies to customize care. A consultation is required before starting pigmented laser treatment to ensure an accurate diagnosis is made prior to treatment and that supportive therapies if needed are initiated to optimize results.

The various types of pigmented lesions that can be treated with laser at DLC include:

  • Freckles
  • Lentigo (sunspots)
  • Sks (age spots, liver spots)
  • Melasma
  • Sun damage
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

DLC has multiple lasers that have the capability to address pigmentation, but our most used platforms are:

  • Hollywood Spectra (Ultra-fast pulse 532 and 1064 laser)
  • Clarity II (755 nm Alexandrite and 1064 nm Nd;YAG laser)
  • Lutronic Ultra (Thulium 1927 nm laser)

When treating lentigines, freckles and SKs lesions may appear dusky red, darker or scabbed for a temporary period of time before fading or sloughing to reveal clearer skin. In field treating broad areas of sun damage patients may experience generalize redness in the treatment area for several days, sensitivity and scaling.

In melasma management the treatment approach is gentle, so as not to worsen pigmentation. A series of  6 no downtime sessions spaced 2-4 weeks is typically done on low intensity settings with the Hollywood Spectra to reveal a more even clearer complexion. The Hollywood Spectra is FDA approved for this indication and when used in combination with topical melasma therapies or the Ultra Thulium laser as a drug delivery tool can yield beautiful results.

Maintaining results after treatment pigment laser involve consistent sun protection and skin care.